We’re Looking for Great, Driven Women. #JoinJLT Today!

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This year’s Recruitment Committee is committed to continuing the tradition of recruiting women in Tulsa who exemplify the Junior League of Tulsa’s (JLT) mission statement of improving our community and becoming trained volunteers. Recruitment Chair Rania Nasreddine claims that her experience inside the League has helped benefit her endeavors within the community outside the League. She hopes to share her experiences and passion about the League with potential members. When asked how she explains JLT to women outside the League, Rania said “JLT is the place to learn about all of the various facets that one has to have to truly become a community volunteer. As a member-driven organization, your hands will get dirty, but your skills will increase in ways you didn’t even realize. On the plus side, you will make friends outside of your normal social circles and improve the community along the way.”

The Committee plans to host social happy hours, a cocktail party at a JLT Sustainer’s house, as well as a hands-on volunteer event to recruit new members into the League. However, recruiting new members does not stop with the Recruitment Committee. The Committee needs all League members’ help in identifying women who may be interested in joining JLT. If you have any contacts or have a recommendation, please get in touch with Rania or any member of the Recruitment Committee at joinjlt@jltulsa.org, as well as filling out the membership interest form that can be found at: https://www.jltulsa.org/membership/become-a-member.